Home > Last dog is gone

Last dog is gone

September 2nd, 2008 at 02:51 am

Our dog selling days are over. The last dog to leave is gone. We have one remaining puppy which we plan on keeping. Hopefully no more preg dogs enter our life for awhile, but I think it would be a way to make some side money AFTER the kids are all old enough to not cry (major drama) after each one is sold. I do have to admit, baby beagles are one of the cuter dogs. I like it when they learn to run--the back feet go faster than the front feet, then they can't stop-stopping results in a sommersault of sorts.

Today was a no spend, no fuel day. Good way to start the month. I do have to spend some later this week, but I will be reimbursed for it all. I need to buy some supplies for the weather class I am teaching that starts on Friday.

We picked more corn, beans, okra and some peppers tonight. Still a bunch of apples left to pick as well.

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