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What is with some kids today anyhow???

November 19th, 2008 at 10:20 pm

I subbed again today. Upper math for the most part.
1st hour (wich was acutally called 5th block and was really 42 minutes long...) was a math class for the kids that the school considered to be drop out risks, or as one student put it, the future nobodys in life. I had 7 students in the class, all were very well behaved. They used a very good math book called "Life Skills Match". The book covers everything from how to balance a checkbook, paychecks and various taxes, how to double, trip or half a recipe, how to figure square footage to paint or carpet a room, loans, interest types, credit cards, mortgages...basically math for everyday living.

The 2nd class and 3rd class were also very well behaved, but were algebra/trig and calc students.

The 4th class was supposed to be the "school brains". This was an advance class that they are also getting dual college credit for. In this class wre the kids of several "upper class families and old money families". They were the rudest, foul mouthed senior brats I have ever seen or heard. One guy kept trying to unhook all the girls bras, and using "the word"--yeah, the BIG BAD word. (he ended up in the office). Then we had chair throwing, belching and farting contests/sex stories..... This was the class that had the guys with the letterman jackets, the cheerleaders... The ones that you would expect to go further in life because if nothing else they have more opportunities that they can afford.

In my opinion, the first class may go further in life.

Oh--the one that I sent to the office?? I was told there will be no punishment because he is starting in tonights basketball game...

I hear the teachers and administrations at various schools where I sub complain about these kids, yet they have the power to stop some of this--bench that kid a game or two an I think his attitude may change.....

9 Responses to “What is with some kids today anyhow???”

  1. thriftorama Says:

    That won't be my kid. That is unacceptable.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Wow, that's an interesting contrast...

  3. Personal Finance Student Says:

    That's ridiculous! I agree with you, it's crazy.

  4. mom-from-missouri Says:

    This is one of the "better" school systems around here. Yet I see this behavior and attitude in almost all of the schools I sub in. There are 2 Christian Schools (one is actually a Mennonite School) that I sub and 1 public district that would litterly expell a student for such behavior. The rest have seemed to given up.
    What will the next generation be like?

  5. cassandra Says:

    From my experiences in high school, the honors/AP kids are the worst. They tend to be the richer kids, at least in my area. They cheated the most, partied the most, broke the law and got away with it...

    And the school administration usually looked the other way.

    It's unfortunate that these kids are pretty much being taught it is ok for them to behave a certain way.

  6. littlemama Says:

    Okay now, my kid is the AP classes. Smile They can be the worst. He comes home with some stories, I'll tell ya. Not saying he's innocent, but most of the time he just sits back and laughs at the others. I think it's all in the upbringing.

  7. go.Xtina Says:

    It happens a lot in High School. Not so much in college... Thank god.

  8. Apprentice Fun-Frugalist Says:

    It think its a reflection of the old saying "you never know what goes on behind closed doors".

    Obviously the supposed "pillars of society" class (professionals/born into money) are way too busy to actually spend time with their kids and the kids rebel in an attention-seeking way. While the financially poorer kids probably have parents who are actually very good are parenting. Big generalisations I know.

    Interesting paradox eh ??

  9. Alice K Says:

    I do not understand why we don't expect more out of our kids, all kids.

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