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Archive for June, 2005

still house hunting

June 8th, 2005 at 04:34 am

Looked at 2 more places today. Neither one was quite what I wanted. How hard can this be? My must haves are: basement, at least 1 fireplace-woodburning, dining room, 4 or more bedrooms, 2 or more bathrooms, and a garage. Must be on at least 5 acres or more. Found 2 decent ones, but no basement. This is tornado country-I must have a basement. Plus, with all the kids and their toys, I also want it for storage/play room. And, when it gets super hot out, or real cold, the basement is more comfortable to sleep in temperture wise to save on the heating and cooling....

looking at houses/farms again

June 3rd, 2005 at 05:37 am

Went and looked at another farm today. The farm and outbuildings/stables/ and barn were great. The house, well, it stunk-litterly. (not clean people at all living there). The house is also way to small. Its an older house, which i don't mind, but not in the best of condition on the inside, mainly from lack of good housekeeping. It was advertised as a 4 bedroom, but some of the rooms were so small you can barely get a twin bed in them. I dont see how it could work for my housefull of little girls and myself. Meanwhile, the first place I looked at may become available again. Another couple outbid me on a counter offer, but their financing fell thru. They only have a couple of days left to secure another source of financing and if they cant get it, I can possibly, hopefully get it. It was clean, spacious and in move in condition. All the pens and fences were in good shape-the place was picture perfect. And, it would actually be cheaper than my current house payment because the interest rates have dropped.