February 28th, 2005 at 06:23 am
I spent very little money this week-sort of. Was sick most of the week-dual inner ear infections. Cant stand or walk-very dizzy-cant drive. Missed 4 of 5 days at work, and will probably miss a good part of next week as well. Only up out of bed now as the bed is making my back hurt, been in it so long. Up side, couldnt get out to shop and spend money. Down side, day in the hospital, and will have an ambulance bill on its way....At least my time off work is paid sick days. Already paid the $100 ER fee. Not sure how much the ambulance ride will cost me-BUT. no way my elderly parents could have gotten me from my bed upstairs to the vehicle downstairs. Was so dizzy I could not stand, and had stomach pain also (flu as well??) The symptoms were quite scary, as they mimiced a bleeding ulcer I had years ago. Ear infection at my age. Go figure. Always that that with kids, not adults. My ears did not hurt till just a few days ago, but been dizzy for about a week now. On medicines for it, but I can sure tell when it is time for the next dose.-the whole world spins. At least the throwing up has slowed down.
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February 21st, 2005 at 12:23 am
Spent no money today. After church we went to my parents for lunch. As the usual costum in our family, we swap left overs after a meal-mom sent home enough spegitti for a couple meals for the girls school lunches. So, since we did that, we still have my left overs from my chinese delivery yesterday. No school tomorrow-Presidents day-so, my daughters school lunches are covered for this week. My dad and brother helped me put in the new lights for my suburban. I ordered the parts from Auto Zone (for less than half what the dealer wanted). We installed them in an hour or so and no charge. The dealer told me it would be around $80 to install them for me. Was kind of a bear though-had to remove the auxilary battery and the grill to get them in. All because my lightening system is "after factory". But, it does look sharp. So, now I have blinkers again, so wont get a ticket!
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February 20th, 2005 at 02:06 am
Spent around $50 today. Renewed my paper subscription-I did it for the year-was $43 (you save $7 if you do it a year at a time). The subscription actually ended 2 weeks ago, but the kid kept throwing it till Thursday. I do use the coupons, so it ends up paying for itself. And since I do the PR for my daughters school, I really need the paper to see that what I have submitted has been printed correctly. Spent $5 on lunch at work today-got sweet and sour chicken--have a ton left over-I'll add more rice and it will be lunch for the girls and I tomorrow after church, and will probably still have some left for my lunch on Monday.
Bought shampoo and conditioner at walgrens-was on sale for .79 a bottle, and I had coupons for .75 off-so got 4 bottles at .04 each. Came to .22 with the tax. Not bad.
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February 19th, 2005 at 01:22 am
I spent no money today (Friday). Spent no money yesterday (Thursday), did spend $30 Wednesday getting gas.
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February 14th, 2005 at 04:02 am
Spent no money yesterday. Spent no money today! I am trying to clean out all the cabinets and the pantry, but eating our way down. I think I probably have enough canned goods to feed the town, and now that winter is on its way out, I want to use that before I restock. That will save on the grocery bill the next couple of months.
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February 12th, 2005 at 01:27 am
I switched trash companies today-after 7 years of complaining about the old one-they keep skipping me. $16 a month seems high to me, but that is what they all charge-I called them all. I lost a front blinker lens today. Dealer wants $198 to fix it. I went to the autoparts store and they ordered it for me. It will be $25 and I can put it on myself, or the guy behind the counter said they could do it for me at no charge. Had no choice, the bulb is left exposed, and will be getting wet, and I will get a ticket. Other than that, spent no money today. The twins have to take snack to scouts tomorrow, but I made cookies for that from frozen dough I bought from them when they did their 4H fund raiser. Hung a load of laundery to dry again today, and ate leftovers.
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February 10th, 2005 at 01:59 am
Thought I'd try this and see if it would motivate me to not spend money, because I am putting it in writing. We will see. I did 2 loads of laundry today, hung both to dry, before I went to work. Also one load of dishes-I did make sure the dishwasher was full this time. I have a bad habit of running it when it is not full. Ordered delivery pizza, but tonight is 1/2 price night, so $7 instead of the usuall $13.97, and the leftovers from tonight will be in the girls lunch tomorrow, as well as mine. So $7 for 4 people for 2+ meals-I can accept that. I do wish I could find a cheaper way to keep the salt off my truck in the winter. The cheapest automatic car wash is $5. I am afraid to use the self serve wand for $3, since last winter the door froze shut while I was outside rinsing it off, with my children inside and I couldn't get it back open. A policeman had to rescue me. But, I don't want it to rust out the body, so I have no choice.
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