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2-9-05 first entry

February 10th, 2005 at 01:59 am

Thought I'd try this and see if it would motivate me to not spend money, because I am putting it in writing. We will see. I did 2 loads of laundry today, hung both to dry, before I went to work. Also one load of dishes-I did make sure the dishwasher was full this time. I have a bad habit of running it when it is not full. Ordered delivery pizza, but tonight is 1/2 price night, so $7 instead of the usuall $13.97, and the leftovers from tonight will be in the girls lunch tomorrow, as well as mine. So $7 for 4 people for 2+ meals-I can accept that. I do wish I could find a cheaper way to keep the salt off my truck in the winter. The cheapest automatic car wash is $5. I am afraid to use the self serve wand for $3, since last winter the door froze shut while I was outside rinsing it off, with my children inside and I couldn't get it back open. A policeman had to rescue me. But, I don't want it to rust out the body, so I have no choice.

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