November 21st, 2006 at 03:18 pm
While I was on line, I just decided to check out my bank account. My bank gives money back every time I use my check card. So far this year, I have $80.61 earned and I just transferred it into my checking. (I don't know where the .61 came from since everything is supposed to be in $5 increments...)I probably use it more than others, because I even put my house payment on it every month for the house in my old town which I have rented out right now. Before I married, I even put all my utilities on it as well. Rarely do I write a check-in fact, usually just for church offering!
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November 21st, 2006 at 03:13 pm
Well, I have now run the local grocery store out of pectin, and still have 1 1/2 bushels left. The one the next town over has 3 boxes left, but they are all out of date-expired in July and Aug...I also need some more pint jars. So, I guess DH and I will make a run to the next BIG town (that would be one with a population of over 3000). He also needs to get 4 fresh turkeys which no one around here has. He is going to smoke 2 and fry 2, with one of each being cajun style.....We will go to my parents Thurs morning, his former father in laws on Thurs evening (his first wife is deceased, but he stays close with her family still) and then again at his moms on Sunday.
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November 20th, 2006 at 06:12 pm
Got 4 bushels of Missouri apples. I have now made applesause, apple jelly and next I will make and can apple pie filling. Can't think of anything else I can do with them--they are not juicey enough for juice or cider. I am wasting nothing-First I make the jelly with the juice, then rice them for applesauce. That leaves only the stems and seeds, which are goign to compost.
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November 7th, 2006 at 08:33 pm
Took stuff (clothing) into the local 2 consignment stores today. They are mother and daughter owned, next door to each other. One is for children, the other is adults.
The childrens one bought a lot from me. (The items were all nice, but a few years old). The adult one, didn't buy a single thing. Said all my clothing items were "too old" and "not in style". The majority of the items were only a year old--and they are too in style. She was nuts. Since I am now a stay at home mom for the most part, I was weeding out some of my extra "office attire", such as cord pants, pantsuits, suits, sweaters, blazers..... Some were only bought in Jan or Feb. Oh, she told me no one wears blazers anymore....So, I am spreading the word to all you readers, incase you were like me and didn't know that. The blazer she turned down I got in March, brand new from Chadwhicks...I got it on sale-clearance, for $29 & have worn it several times, but I have about 6 and really only need 2 in basic colors now. I was telling another mom at school about my experience, and I had just picked up my stuff that the consignement store didn't want. The other mom just got a job, went thru my stuff (in the parking lot at school) and took a bunch to try on inside-then came out and asked if I would take $75 for the 6 items she wanted. What luck!! The rest I am listing on ebay now. But, my dial up is slow and keeps bumping me off when I try to upload pix.
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