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Archive for September, 2007

Back home (hopefully for good)

September 1st, 2007 at 09:49 pm

The kids and I have been gone most of the summer. I think we are (for the most part) back home for ggod. Since the end of May, we have had 5 funerals to attend-all either family or very close friends. 4 of the 5 were out of town. We also had church camp for 3 weeks. I go too, as dorm mom. It is a big help when I go with my one daughter as he has health issues that sometimes require a lot of attention.

We also had a week of vacation (camping) in there, and a week at the family reunion.

We spent more time than usual at the family reunion, and I am very glad we did, as my aunt died 3 weeks later. About 1 week after the reunion, she got sick (has been fighting caner for almost 2 years) and went into the hospital. So, I loaded up the kids and their school work and we went back home The hospital staff was so nice, they had a low cencus, so they turned the room across the hall into a family room for all of us. Her 6 kids and grandkids live scaattered all over, so we stayed with her quite a bit till they all got there. We never had to buy a meal, the hospital fed us all, or people in the community there sent food, and a couple of resturants sent food over. She knew everyone, having practiced medicine there for years.

We stayed at my parents a couple of nights till my renters moved out, then we stayed at my rental house.

My renters moved out the same day I filled out the eviction papers. In fact, the law had not even served the papers yet. Needless to say, they will not be getting their deposit back. They left behind 2 truck loads of trash and old broken furniture Seems the ones on the lease got shipped out (airmen) and guys not even on the lease were living there.

They broke the hottub, fireplace and fireplace screen, put holes in walls and ceilings...and it was filthy dirty. I was last there in July, and it was not like that then. One wall between the dining room and living room is glass block, and they broke some of the blocks.

I think the damage all happened after the repsonsible ones left. The other boys were not to have even been in the house. All of them were air force, so the commanding officers are now involved. I have sent them photos of the damage, copies of the lease, and copies of the letter where the boys on the lease swore to me they were the only 2 living there, Yet the utilities are in the others names..Guess they thought I was stupid and would not check that out???
Also, one of them got a ticket and the paper there prints that--there he was in the police report using that address. Why would that address be on his license if he was not living there???

The house is cleaned up now, and we ar repainting it. About 4 more days work and it will be done.

We are also going to move the hottub-I think we will just bring it up here.

Needless to say, it feels good to be back home for more than a day now and then.

All my pountry are still accounted for. So, maybe we have gotten all the coons involved with the massacures.