Today was a no spend day. Actually, I guess I even saved some money. I hand washed the truck in the driveway (cheapest car wash in town is $6 now) and trimmed the girls bangs myself--3 X $4, so guess I came out $18 ahead for today.
Tomorrow I will have to have the kids in afterschool care, for a total of $15, but I guess it isn't that bad, as tomorrow is 8 hours of overtime (mandatory, due to Katrina). This is my 2nd day of mandatory overtime this week, in addition I also worked Sunday (scheduled) at time and a half, plus the holiday. So, my pay for this week is about an extra $700 before taxes. This week and next week will be on the same check, and next week I will have a day off to take daughter #2 to the dr, so it will help even it back down some.
no spend day
September 9th, 2005 at 05:11 am