Still no news, good or bad about Daffny. Searchers are still out looking, but it is getting dark. Last night they stopped the search at dark, so I am assuming they will tonight also. I fear the worst, but I am hoping for the better. She has now been missing for almost 66 hours. It has been warm during the day, but cold at night. They said she had no sweater or jacket. My daughters think I am the mean mom because I won't let them ride their bikes down our gravel road. I told them this is one reason why. (Also, tractors, combines and grain trucks are not looking for kids on bikes, and our driveway is 1/5 mile long--plenty of room to ride on it).
I kept the heat off today. Did some laundry but cheated and put most of it in the dryer instead of hanging it up to dry. My stomach has been weird all day and I feel puney. In fact, DH is going to pick up a pizza on the way home from work--I already have my PJ's on and its not even 6 pm yet.
No word yet
November 13th, 2007 at 11:37 pm
November 14th, 2007 at 05:57 am 1195019824
November 14th, 2007 at 08:40 pm 1195072829
November 15th, 2007 at 04:29 am 1195100975