I think I will take the rest of the tomato cages out of the garden so we can plow it. I got about half of them out a couple weeks ago and got interrupted and there it ended.
DD#3 is fixing lunch today. Scrambled eggs, OJ, bisquits, and pears. Last night DD#4 did supper-grilled cheese, salad, tomato soup and pudding.
Sadly, they learn cooking much faster than cleaning up the kitchen afterwards--but they are coming along
The all have the laundry down pat as well.
They have each learned to knit, and we will soon be adding crocheting to that list.
We are working on baking currently.
Next month we begin piano and sewing. Right now I am making some music flash cards. I printed off the notes and symbols from the internet, and am putting them on index cards.
In January, the girls are planning on taking sewing at home school coop. However, they each have to have their own machine to take each week--so Santa has been hunting down some nice used ones from free cycle and craigs list. Meanwhile, xt month we are going to start learning some basics on mine.
Of course, all this is in addition to their book work--reading, writing, penmenship, math, history, social studies, geography.....
Lately we have been using a lot of National Geographic (DH grandma subscribes for him for his Christmas every year) & MO conservation ed materials. I bought a US timeline at the teacher supply store awhile back, and we are working our way across it. We started in 1492 and are now up to 1775. I tried to time it so we would hit Jamestown at Thanksgiving but we were a couple weeks early. We will skip Lewis and Clark as we already did that in great detail on vacation--we followed their route for about 1700 miles with the camper.
We have been working on our money management as well. Each are involved in their mutual fund accounts, their CD and savings accounts. Now they have "paying jobs" for people at church. When someone is out of town, my girls feed animals, bring in mail...
I make my girls pay taxes (of course, the "tax" goes into their savings accounts) They didn't like it at first , but now they know how real paychecks work. Just wait till the find out my 10 cents on the dollar tax is cheaper than what they will really have to pay. And, in real life it doesn't go into their savings!
Not much going on today
November 28th, 2007 at 05:51 pm