Home > Happy New Year

Happy New Year

January 1st, 2008 at 11:10 pm

Stayed home today. Spent no money. Took down the tree and decorations. I think I have all the decorations, but usually I find a stray one hiding out weeks later.

I think my gal I was going to do child care for has fallen thru. She no longer responds to my emails. My understanding is her parents were encouraging her to drop out of school. I hope that is not the case. She had 2 years left to graduate. Being 16 and having a baby is one strike against you, but dropping out of school will not help it any.

I am going to make January my declutter month. I already listed some stuff on craigs list (including my suburban--anyone want to buy a 99 in mint condition with 4x4 tv with VCR???), and some stuff on freecycle. I just sold some stuff on ebay, and will start going through the closets again to find some more outgrown clothes for ebay.

I am also going to try (once again) to find some type of work I can do from home. To recap, I live in the extreme rural, no DSL available, in fact our cells normally don't work here. Our town has no industry-just several small businesses mostly owned by the same family. Nearest town that would have jobs is 30 miles one way. Plus, we homeschool, so I need to be home the majority of the time. So, if anyone has any work at home ideas that do not require highspeed internet or selling, let me know.

I also again have a vacant rental. This one is a house. Last occupents were military and are overseas now. Its been vacant 2 months now, with no takers. But, a college in the same town starts up next week, so maybe when the students come back it will rent. Meanwhile, I am paying the taxes and house payment out of my depleting savings.

1 Responses to “Happy New Year”

  1. Amber Says:

    I hope your friend did not drop out as well, i think that is terrible that her parents would encourge that

    good luck with the job hunt and finding a renter

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