Home > Off to a good start

Off to a good start

January 2nd, 2008 at 05:17 am

OK. 1 day down, 364 more to go...

I ate right today.

All of Christmas is packed up and put away.

Cleaned in the basement today. Went through some boxes. Found several items that I listed on freeycle. Started an ebay pile, and found items to give as Christmas for 2008. I now have 6 things in the Christmas 2008 box!!!!

Listed 1 auction on ebay.

Cleaned out my dressers.

All the laundry is caught up.

Will get to bed before midnight.

Went up and down the basement and upstairs steps about 20 times-that should count as some sort of exercise....

Entered 2 items in a writing contest. Will see how it goes. I've won 2 lately. The ones I think will win, don't, and odd ones often do great. I thought these were real good, so probably will get zelch.

And best of all, none of my kids got into trouble today!!!! YEE HAW

1 Responses to “Off to a good start”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    I think it's a leap year, so 366 days! :-) Great job on your chores! I need to put in some extra effort at my house soon, too.

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