Took the girls to the city for a quiz match today. They did real good. DD#3 team won 6 out of 7, and DD#4 and 5 team also won 6 out of 7. DD4 and DD5 both were high scorer at at least one match. I couch the team DD4 and 5 are on, and their team did very very well today--the best they have done all season. In March they go to the district contest, so I hope this trend lasts!
On the way home we stopped at Michaels Crafts. DD5 used her Christmas Gift certifcates and bought some things. Each week in the paper Michaels has a coupon for 50% off one item. So, my daughters have decided to take turns each week as to who will use their gift certificates, so that they can each use the coupon from the paper to get that extra bang in the buck. Its saved DD5 $5 today. She was very happy about it.
We also stopped at Walgreens. I started out with a bill of close to $60 before I handed over the coupons, and got it down to $25 after the coupons. I have my receipt taped to my calendar, & at the end of the month I can mail in my rebate stuff and get around another $12 back.
I didn't need anything that I bought. It all went into the basement pantry. But, it is all stuff we use--toothpaste, deoderant, puffs, dawn, tide.... This time I went to a different walgreen-it was not the one closest to home, but still on our way home from the city. I handed them all my coupons--store ones and manufacture ones,& they took them all off. I had done this before, then I had another Walgreen tell me I could not use both on the same product. Well, this time I did use both, plus I will get some rebates coming. And, we don't need to buy dishsoap, toothpaste, air freshner, laundry soup, deoderant or puffs for several months.
Usually I don't buy air freshner, but it came free if I bought a candle. The oust candle things were one sale, buy 1 get one 1 free, so I picked up 2 and had a coupon for the air freshner for one, and $3 off for the other.
I posted a WANT on freecycle for a microwave. I figured it can't hurt to try. What really bums me is I gave DD2 our other microwave awhile back. Oh well..
Still no bids on my ebay auction. 2 days to go, but I do have a watcher now.
And lastly, do people really buy a new artificial Christmas tree and decorations every year??? Have you seen how many ar posted for free on craigslist?? What a waste!!
Good day
January 6th, 2008 at 03:21 am
January 6th, 2008 at 04:27 am 1199593662
Your kids just go to show that home schooling is great!
They can learn so much in a much shorter time, while keeping their innocence a while longer!