Home > How do these coupon people do this??

How do these coupon people do this??

January 6th, 2008 at 10:17 pm

I noticed just awhile ago, that people are selling grocery coupons on ebay. How are they doing that? It states on the coupon that they are not to be sold. I thought it was illegal. Am I missing something here? If you can do it, I might try it--I have a huge box of them right now.

2 Responses to “How do these coupon people do this??”

  1. campfrugal Says:

    They are not selling coupons, they are selling their time to find, cut and send them out to those who want to buy their service.

  2. disneysteve Says:

    Lots of auctions skirt the law. For example, many gift cards are non-transferrable, so people run an auction for a plain white envelope and throw in a "free" gift card for the winner.

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