Home > getting them trained

getting them trained

January 7th, 2008 at 04:57 am

DD3 had a youth group bowling party tonight. She had to borrow money off of DD5 to go. I noticed 2 interesting things this evening:

DD5 told DD3 that when she pays her back, she owes her $4.25. She is charging her sister 25 cents interest....
DD3 bought no snacks with her money. She ate before she went and after she got home. I saw her looking at the snack bar, and the look on her face when she saw that a small drink was $2 was priceless. Instead, she went to the water fountain!!

For $5 she got to bowl for 2 1/2 hours. Her sisters and I read and watched her. She had fun. I also clipped my Sunday coupons and sorted them into my envelopes.

Still no bidders on my ebay auction. Its some school uniform peices--brand new. Got lost when we moved and just resurfaced. I wish they still had the tags on them--if they did, I'd return them to the store.

6 Responses to “getting them trained”

  1. Ralph Says:

    Wayto go, love the bug eyes at the snack bar thing! I think my youngest gets it. And I'm proud of my oldest for spending very little from her bank account at college. Now if I could only curb their appetite for clothes!

  2. Ralph Says:

    Way to go, love the wide open eyes at the snack bar thing! I think my youngest gets it. And I'm proud of my oldest for spending very little from her bank account at college. Now if I could only curb their appetite for clothes!
    Oops, double post, delete me please!

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Sooo, exactly how many DDs do you have? Big Grin

  4. mom-from-missouri Says:

    We have 5. That includes, a 20 yr old set of twins, an 11 year old, and a 9 year old set of twins.

    Then we also have a 9 year old who is the daughter of a 2nd cousin of mine at times. Her mom seems to have trouble getting her act together beause "shes in love" (trouble is she is married to someone else...) That kid has really suffered. She is 2 grades behind in school as a result, so when we get her, we really try and work with her. She is a smart kid, and she knows what is going on.

  5. Broken Arrow Says:


  6. mom-from-missouri Says:

    We have 4 bathrooms in the house, plus one in the barn for DH and one in the camper. So, it works well!!

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