Home > Keeping the lights off

Keeping the lights off

January 8th, 2008 at 01:36 am

I told the girls that this year I want to see them conserving both electric and water. They have made a game of it. The like to pretend they are their Amish cousins, and they try to not use any. So far, they are doing real good. I just got so tired of flipping off lights and coming home pulling in the driveway to find every light in their rooms and closets on shining out the windows. I threatened them that if I continued to catch them wasting electricity, I would split the next electric bill between the 3 of them and have them pay it!! I think the threat worked.

It was almost 70 degrees today. But, since all our snow has melted, it is a muddy mess. Tomorrow morning it is supposed to be in the 20's, then warm up to the 40's as the day goes along.

6 Responses to “Keeping the lights off”

  1. nance Says:

    I think the Amish have the right idea, especially after I got my electric bill today!

  2. mjrube94 Says:

    My house is lit up like Christmas every day of the year. I'm constantly shutting off lights.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    We are getting the thunderstorms right now.
    Whenever we pull up to the house at night, inevitably I look up and see the lights on in the girls rooms, and I'll say "Look, E is home...." (even though she is in the car with us) I making sure they are aware what they did. I am constantly turning off lights too. I am so guilty of just not replacing bulbs in non important nights so I won't have to turn them off.

  4. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Oh guess what, someone called me tonight and told me they'd stopped by to see me but that I wasn't home. Yes I was! I was alone, and reading on the internet, so no lights were needed in the house. They saw the dark house and assumed I was out.

  5. Ima saver Says:

    I read my meter every day, that keeps me conscious of how much power I am using.

  6. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Thats funny Joan. We once had a neighbor upset we didn't answer our door because lights and the TV were on. (we were not home--it was before we had our cityfied burgler alarm. Lights, TV or radio and a dog is my husbands idea of a redneck burgler alarm)

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