Home > Weird weather is cramping my plans

Weird weather is cramping my plans

January 8th, 2008 at 05:31 pm

Yesterday it was almost 70 outside. Today, it is thundering, cloudy and SNOWING and 31 degrees. It was in the 20's this morning.

I got some yard work done yesterday--and was going to finish it today, but so much for that. The neighbors dog got into the trash (by they way, my red rider bb gun took care of that issue!), so there is still a little trash to pick up that blew into the pasture, and some branches from the ice storm still on the ground.

We were able to keep the heat off or down to 60 for 2 days, but it is on today. It is a damp cold, and I am feeling it even though I have on long johns under my sweats and heavy socks. And, the heat is at 67. I think I need to bake something. That will warm me up--and some hot tea

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