The floor is now dry, however, I still have boxes to finish going thru. I have pulled out the washer and confirmed (yes Dad, I did as you told me to) that the water did not come from any hoses, and that the drain hose is not clogged, nor was the drain in the wall clogged. However, the drain may be clogged inside the washer or one of the hoses may be broken inside the washer. Tomorrow DH and I will move it out to the garage and look under it and see whats going on.
I finally got the wet clothes rung out and dried. What a mess.
Meanwhile, I have posted a want for another washer on freecycle. I will even take a nonelectric wringer. I just want something to get me through for the time being till next month when I get a new one. Then I can free cycle one I may get free in the meantime. I checked into renting one--HA HA HA. $125. But, by Feb 15 I should have enough in my washer fund to get a front loading one. I loved the one I had before, I wish now it had made the move with me. Not sure yet if I will get the same or a different one.
So, I guess later this week I will make a trip to the laundrymat and wash. I'm too cheap to dry them there, will probably bring them all home to dry. Now I need back some of those quarters I took to the bank last week!
Spent around $50 at the grocery store and none of it was for me. Got a couple things that the food pantry is low on, and the rest was for the church youth group. (25 kids). It was our turn for snacks, but we won't have to do it again for about 3 months. I was going to get fruit, but grapes were 5.99 a lb, apples were $7 a bag. Forget that. So, I got pizza rolls that were on sale, soda that was on sale, koolaid mix, chips and dip. I made sure all I got could go back into the freezer at church or refrig if they don't eat it all tonight-but 25 kids, I am sure they will. I love feeding them during the summer--I just take in a watermelon and some cantelopes. They love that.
Flood cleanup continues
January 21st, 2008 at 01:04 am
January 21st, 2008 at 01:09 am 1200877752
January 21st, 2008 at 02:37 am 1200883036
Yeah, I've tried working with those soppy wet clothes before when the washer won't finish a cycle. Let us know how that new washer prices out, I'm interested in knowing.