Today is my first NS day this week. Actually the rest of the week probably will be, unless I get gas one day. I know I have to go out later this evening for 4H, but I can't remember how my gas tank is looking on my car....
I did win a book yesterday on ebay. 99 cents and free shipping. It is an American History book. I couldn't pass that one up.
We had company last night, and everyone made their own pizza for supper. I think the company was amazed that we made our own pizza crust. She was also amazed that we used the cheaper speg. sauce instead of pizza sauce on it (it is basically the same thing for less than half the price), and even more amazed that we saved the juice from a fruit salad I made and added it in with the koolaid mix I made for the children, and that we used cloth napkins when it wasn't a holiday. She called me the thrifty little Martha Stewart woman. She normally eats all her meals at bars or fast food, so she got a little eye opener on how the other half lives.
NS day
January 22nd, 2008 at 10:36 pm
January 22nd, 2008 at 10:45 pm 1201041912
January 22nd, 2008 at 10:59 pm 1201042791