What a day (and its not over yet)
First, baby chickens got out as I was feeding them this morning. They are in the basement in a couple of cages. Its just too cold for them to be out.
Then on the way to the school I have been subbing at, I slid off the road (we had a very ice like slick snow this morning). 2 nice men pushed me back on the road.
Got to school. It was only a 1/2 day, but I only had 3 students--the rest of the class is all out sick. The teacher is still in the hospital with her pneunomia, so I have been asked to come back next week, to which I said yes for Mon-Thurs. Friday, we have plans to be out of town. So, Monday night I will pack up my kids and their schoolwork and take them to my parents for Mon-Thurs. They will have time to visit, and I can make some money. (DH will be working, so he and I will both be gone all day). Then Fri, as we leave for our mini trip, I will pick up my girls at my parents. My mom is going on the trip with us, so it will work out perfectly.
So, at the end of my sub run for last week, this week and next, I will be looking at $500.
The school I have been at is a small Christian School (where my daughters used to attend) so I know most of the students. Its a nice atmosphere, but they only pay $50 a day to sub, as compared to the public schools around here that pay between $75 to $150 a day.
Our chickens are now up to laying 10 eggs a day, so I still have 6 who are not laying.....Yee Haw!!!
It was a no spend day, but we are getting ready to go to a party for the church youth group, and I need to stop an get a finger food snack on the way. But, that will be under $7 or $10 at the most.
I survived!
March 8th, 2008 at 12:44 am
March 8th, 2008 at 06:20 am 1204957227
I wanted to ask you, in your side bar, you say you do haying. Do you do custom haying? How long did it take to get the clientel? Did you advertise? In a paper? On line? Print out sheets of paper and put up in the Co-Op? We are starting a custom haying business, and trying to find more customers, so I was just wondering what you did to get yours. (don't worry, we are in the middle of Kansas, so we won't take any of your customers )
March 9th, 2008 at 03:39 am 1205033990