Home > busy summer

busy summer

August 9th, 2008 at 04:49 am

Whew. I almost see the end. What a busy last few weeks. Church camp, VBS, 4H county fair, church camp again (I go also-I am a dorm mom), family reunion (and we bring back all the little cousins with us for a week or more). Right now we have a house full of little ones. They have been chasing chickens, swimming in the front pond, fishing in the back pond, horseback riding, bike riding, playing board games...keeping us busy.

My next project (after all the kids leave except my own) is to move our homeschool classroom from upstairs to the basement. We are going to use a part that is not finished, so I can finish it anyway I want. It does have a kichenette in one part, and a bathroom off of it. If anyone knows of anything I can add to my "dream classroom", I am open to ideas!

3 Responses to “busy summer”

  1. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    A couch or loveseat for kiddos to snuggle up on and READ!!!

  2. Slowlygettingthere Says:

    An odd idea is to use white ?plastic? gutters for bookshelves. At the school here they use the gutters because they are closer to the wall, the books stand up nicely (this is all hearsay, because like you I homeschool), the gutters can hold the weight of the books, and they don't stick out like a bookcase would.... I'm contemplating it. You can cover it with the wallpaper that sticks and is removeable to change scenery.

  3. mom-from-missouri Says:

    They area will also have my sofa sleeper (to double as a guest room) and 2 recliners. It also will have the wood cookstove (still needs to be moved, although the vent work is done)--this is our backup cooking for if the power goes out during the winter.

    We have 9 foot ceilings in the basement, and one wall is lined with bookcases. Another wall has my "treasure from Lowes"--a ten foot section of bottom kitchen cabinets. The cabinets will house supplies, games and such. Our posters and artwork will be displayed on the wall above the cabinets. (I got these dirt cheap several years ago-someone ordered them and never picked them up)

    I will have a desk there, but the kids will use a large wooded kitchen table instead of individual desks. I find this gives them more workspace since they each will have a cabinet and drawer for their stuff. The table also works well since we also do sewing for home ec--it provides more room.

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