Home > sad newspaper

sad newspaper

October 7th, 2008 at 03:27 pm

Our local paper (a weekly that is about 8-12 pages) publishes the courthouse news once a month.

Sadly, out of 11 pages this week, 4 of them were nothing but foreclosures.
This is a small rural farming area, we are the county seat. There is no industry or big employers. To have a decent job you have to drive 45-60 minutes.

The majority of the ones in the paper are from a auto manufactur who did a large layoff about 6 months ago, or farmers. Most of them in the paper were family names that I recognized as being 3rd and 4th generation families to this small town.

People wonder why others leave small towns. There is nothing here to attract them to stay--no way to make a living here. And, with the price of fuel, they aren't making as much to drive to the city.

But on a lighter side, I got fuel for $2.88 a gallon. I have not seen that price in over a year. It was wonderful.

4 Responses to “sad newspaper”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    We are definitely lucky to here in Iowa and Missouri to have such low fuel prices. Our newspaper said to expect $2.50/gallon by December! Amazing!

  2. nance Says:

    In Colorado, I'm happy to pay $3.34 a gallon. I'd love to see $2.88!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I am still paying over $4 a gallon here.

  4. cptacek Says:

    mom-from-missouri, I know many people who have had to move to KC or Wichita, or drive to Salina or Hays every day, because there are absolutely no jobs around where I live. I don't know how small towns will survive.

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