Home > Kidnapped girl just down the road

Kidnapped girl just down the road

October 21st, 2008 at 07:12 pm

Last Friday 2 teens in our area went missing. They are not from our town, but from a town very close by, where we sometimes eat at their diner and buy feed, and some of our 4H activities are held. We are there at least 1 or 2 times a week. The amber alert is now updated that the male has kidnapped the female.

One source said they had been dating for quite awhile and she was possibly trying to end it. She is only 14, he is 16 and has a car. Apprently he took her in his car.

I attached the link, should anyone want to check out her picture.

Am I the only parent around who thinks 14 is too young for a girl to be dating? Last year, a school near here had a 14 year old girl who was preg, and it was her 2nd child. I think it is too young! Way to young.

7 Responses to “Kidnapped girl just down the road”

  1. threebeansalad Says:

    It depends on what dating means to the 14 yo. I had my first "dates" near the end of 9th grade when I was 14 in the early 1990's. I didn't drive but he did. We did things like go to our city's minor league baseball game, lunch, and school dances. It was all very innocent. I think if my parents would have forbade me I might have starting sneaking around.

    I hope the missing girl is returned safely to her family.

  2. monkeymama Says:

    Agreed with threebean.

    My parents forbade me so I snuck around and did a lot of stupid things. I started dating in high school - I Was only 13 when I started high school, so dated quite young.

    I think if they just backed off, my teen years would have been very different.

    Well, there's middle ground anyway.

    I hope she is okay though, really. That is scary.

  3. sharmanl Says:

    I didn't get to date until I was 16, and I personally felt it was too young. I told my daughter she can date in groups at 17, and alone at 18. They have their whole life to date and meet boyfriends. Having boys that are friends are the best way to go until around 18.

    Just my opinion!

  4. debtfreeme Says:

    I hope they find them both safe.

  5. whitestripe Says:

    i hope that the girl is alright and they find them soon.

    well i remember when i was 14 i started to date a 16 year old and my parents said i wasn't allowed. i too snuck around. you have to have trust in your kids and lead them in the right direction, be open with them and talk about things, otherwise if they feel like you think they are 'too young' when they think they're not, they're just going to do it behind your back. i know when i have kids, i would rather have my 14 year old daughter in my own house with her 'boyfriend' watching a movie and holding hands, than at someone elses house at 3am doing god knows what when i'm asleep thinking she's in her room.

  6. boomeyers Says:

    Thanks for the info! I will email it around. I hope he smartens up and doesn't hurt her!!

  7. Myrtle Says:

    I didn't let my daughter date until she was 17.

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