I used to get the KC paper for 99 cents. Now I pay $2.15. I had someone ask me if it was worth it. YES. I use the coupons in it, and often you find coupons in the paper itself, in areas other than the inserts (which are coupons you can also print off line for free). Plus, some of our stores don't take self printed coupons.
Last week, with using coupons from the paper, I received free, 2 tubes of toothpaste, 1 shampoo, 1 conditioner, 2 chapsticks, 1 package of cheese and 3 candybars. Then I spent $7 at CVS and Walgreen, but earned $12 bonus bucks for my next visit. With that $7 I bought 2 packages of rechargeable batteries and some soap. The batteries started out at $9.99 a package, but I used my bonus bucks from previous visits to bring the price down to only $7 out of pocket. I also paid $2 after rebate for a diabetic meter which I will donate.
I also find in the paper useful articles, such as the free days at various attractions such as the art gallery, and free programs put on at various community centers and libraries, and lots of neat articles--all which we can use for homeschooling.
So, for me, yes I save buyin that Sunday paper, and even turn it into a profit!
Is the Sunday paper worth it?
January 11th, 2010 at 08:04 pm
January 11th, 2010 at 09:29 pm 1263245351
January 12th, 2010 at 06:12 pm 1263319962
I always swear I'm going to give up the Sunday NYT, but it's such a delight.
January 13th, 2010 at 08:03 pm 1263413022
I started checking out the coupon insert previews online a few days ahead of time, so that if there's absolutely nothing I can use, I won't waste the money buying the paper.
January 28th, 2010 at 10:44 pm 1264718646