Home > Taxes are DONE

Taxes are DONE

April 15th, 2011 at 05:24 am

Yeah!! Got a nice unexpected refund coming from the fed. I try to adjust dh with holdings, so it zeros out so we can use the money during the year. But we had some unexpected medical, tution for a class I didn't plan on taking, and had to replace the roof and furnace and went with energy eff, so we got that credit. Then, my rental house sat vacant several months, and I didn't do childcare while I was in class full time. So, it all added up to a nice federal refund.

But as usual, we owe the state. No matter how we do it, we always always owe the state, even if we have extra taken out.

Actually our state tax would have been less, had one of my dh family members cooperated. While I was in class, I had to do some overnight clinicals on the same nights DH had to work nights. So we paid her to come spend the night here. I added it up, and it added up to around $250 we paid her for childcare over the 5 month period. So, I called her to get her ssn so I could claim it. (you can't claim child care anymore with out the providers ein or ssn). She said she would rather not give it to us even when I told her we could not claim the child care without it. Then she told me she wasn't even sure we paid her or if that was last year or the year before...(I had it all documented for taxes). So, we won't be using her again!

1 Responses to “Taxes are DONE”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    "My babysitter refused to provide me with her social security number. Can I still claim the amount I paid to the babysitter for child care while I worked? If so, how do I claim these child care expenses on my tax return?

    Yes, if you meet the other requirements to claim the child and dependent care credit, but are missing the social security number or other taxpayer identification required ID number of a provider, you can still claim the credit by demonstrating "due diligence" in attempting to secure this information.

    If a provider of child care refuses to give the identifying information, the taxpayer can still claim the credit however, the taxpayer must provide whatever information is available about the provider (such as name and address) on the form used to claim the credit Form 2441 (PDF), Child and Dependent Care Expenses, or Form 1040A, Schedule 2 (PDF), Child and Dependent Care Expenses for Form 1040A Filers). The taxpayer should write "see page 2" in the columns requesting the missing information. The taxpayer should write at the bottom of page 2 that the provider refused to give the requested information. This statement will show that the taxpayer used due diligence in trying to secure and furnish the identifying information."

    I think you can claim the credit.

    But, a good rule of thumb is to always get the social security number up front. Now you know...

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